Police misconduct is not only illegal, it is unconstitutional. Victims of police misconduct and other civil rights violations are entitled to be compensated for the damage done through a civil lawsuit. Civil lawsuits serve to punish and hold accountable those who abuse their power and prevent others from suffering similar mistreatment.
Our firm represents clients in a wide variety of police misconduct cases, including:
Section 1983 claims against the police
Section 1983 claims against the City of New York
Police brutality
Police harassment
Excessive force
False or warrantless arrests
Illegal searches and seizures
Illegal strip searches
Malicious prosecution
In many situations, victims of police brutality are also facing criminal charges and the prospect of taking action against the government seems daunting and unrealistic. Do not be afraid to protect yourself from this misconduct. We have the experience and strategy needed to assert your rights, expose unlawful government conduct, and obtain justice on your behalf.
If you believe you have been the victim of police misconduct, you should seek experienced legal representation as soon as possible to preserve your rights. You have the right to sue to prevent the same mistreatment from happening to others. You may be entitled to recover for the damages you have suffered, but you must file a claim within the time allowed by law or you may lose the opportunity to recover for the damages you suffered. Because recovery for police misconduct involves suing a government entity, the time to bring a claim may be limited by law. Claims against governmental entities are subject to different statutes of limitations and other procedures than civil litigation against private individuals or companies.
The attorneys at The Taub Law Firm, P.C. have extensive experience in handling civil rights cases, are sensitive to the different procedural requirements, and know how to successfully pursue a civil rights claim. If you believe that your civil rights have been violated, contact The Taub Law Firm, P.C. for a free consultation with an experienced civil rights attorney.
Contact our office at (646) 484-5020 for an evaluation of your circumstances.